
MeshMap Designer supports freestyle design, meaning that you can customize the appearance and layout of your diagrams without any constraints.

With MeshMap Designer you can draw shapes, lines, text, add custom styles, images and icons to represent the components and relationships of your Kubernetes clusters as you see fit. MeshMap supports freestyle design, meaning that you can customize the appearance and layout of your diagrams without any constraints. MeshMap also enables real-time collaboration, meaning that you can invite others to join your sessions and edit the diagrams together.

Using the Shapes Palette

Converting Shapes

Existing shapes can be converted to other shapes. For example, you can convert a rectangle to a circle, or a triangle to a rectangle. This is useful if you want to change the shape of a shape without losing its position, size, and formatting. If you’d rather use a different shape while keeping the same position, size, and formatting, you can change the shape.

Copying, pasting, and deleting shapes

Using the context menu,