Deploying Layer5 Cloud

Layer5 Cloud is a collection of services that can be deployed on-premises using Helm.

High-level List of Deployment Tasks

  1. Review the prequisites for installing Layer5 Cloud on Kubernetes. (docs)
  2. Install Layer5 Cloud on Kubernetes using Helm. Deploy it's services in Kubernetes in-cluster. (docs)
  3. Meshery deployments are separate from Remote Provider deployments (Layer5 Cloud). Deploy Meshery in Kubernetes in-cluster (or out-of-cluster). (docs)
  4. Configure Meshery Server point to your Remote Provider. Learn more about the Meshery Server registration process with Remote Providers. (docs)

Kubernetes-based Installation with Helm

Layer5 offers on-premises installation of its Meshery Remote Provider: Layer5 Cloud. Contained in the Layer5 Helm repository is one chart with two subcharts (see repo index).


1. Prepare a Persistent Volume

A persistent volume to store the Postgres database is necessary to prepare prior to deployment. If your target cluster does not have a persistent volume readily available (or not configured for automatic PV provisioning and binding of PVCs to PV), we suggest to apply the following configuration to your cluster.

kubectl apply -f install/kubernetes/persistent-volume.yaml
2. Prepare a dedicated namespace and add the chart repo to your helm configuration

You may choose to use an alternative namespace, but the following instructions assume the use of layer5 namespace.

kubectl create ns layer5
helm repo add layer5
3. Ensure NGINX Ingress Controller is deployed

You may chose to use an alternative ingress controller, but the following instructions assume the use of NGINX Ingress Controller.

kubectl apply -f


The first service to install is the Postgres database. The following command installs the Postgres database and initializes it’s dataset. The dataset is used by the Layer5 Cloud server and the Layer5 Cloud identity provider.

Layer5 Cloud postgres database requires pg_cron extension to be enabled and configured to execute on a schedule. The Cloud instance is bundled with both Data Definition Language (DDL) to iniatilze the schema and with Data Manipulation Language (DML) that support both greenfield deployments and upgrades of existing deployments.

1. Install Postgres database
helm repo add bitnami
helm install postgresql bitnami/postgresql --version 14.0.1
2. Install Remote Provider Server and Identity Provider
## TBD: Delete local filesystem reference
# helm install -f ./install/kubernetes/values.yaml cloud ./install/kubernetes -n <namespace>`

helm install -f ./install/helm-chart-values/layer5-cloud-values.yaml cloud ./install/kubernetes -n postgres \
--set-file 'kratos.kratos.emailTemplates.recovery.valid.subject'=<path to the email templates to override>/valid/email-recover-subject.body.gotmpl \
--set-file 'kratos.kratos.emailTemplates.recovery.valid.body'=<path to the email templates to override>/valid/email-recover.body.gotmpl \
--set-file 'kratos.kratos.emailTemplates.verification.valid.subject'=<path to the email templates to override>/valid/email-verify-subject.body.gotmpl \
--set-file 'kratos.kratos.emailTemplates.verification.valid.body'=<path to the email templates to override>/valid/email-verify.body.gotmpl
3. Create an OAuth 2.0 client
  1. Port forward the Hydra Admin service.
  2.  hydra clients create \
     --endpoint <port forwarded endpoint> \
     --id meshery-cloud \ <--- ensure the id specified matches with the env.oauthclientid in values.yaml
     --secret some-secret \ <--- ensure the secret specified matches with the env.oauthsecret in values.yaml
     --grant-types authorization_code,refresh_token,client_credentials,implicit \
     --response-types token,code,id_token \
     --scope openid,offline,offline_access \
     --callbacks <Layer5 Cloud host>/callback 

Uninstalling the Chart

Customizing Layer5 Cloud Deployment with Helm

Layer5’s Helm charts support a number of configuration options. Please refer to following table of configuration options.

Last modified June 5, 2024: [Docs] Planning (2ed92fd)