
Roles map permissions to users. Roles contain any number of keychains, which contain any number of keys (permissions). Assign roles to users to grant permissions.

Roles map permissions to users. Roles contain any number of keychains, which contain any number of keys (permissions). Assign roles to users to grant permissions.


Provider Admin Role

Provider Admin Role


What is the purpose of this role?

  • Used for administration of Layer5 Cloud.
  • Used for debugging and monitoring.
  • Applicable to platform engineering team and on-prem users.

Who can assign this role?

  • Provider Admins

When this role is first assigned?

  • On ☁️ boot-up (using build args)

How many instances of these roles?

  • Min: 1, Max: many (based on plan)

Who can remove assignment of this role?

  • Provider Admins

What permissions does this role have?

  • Can perform CRUD on all resources

Organization Roles


Organization Administrator

What is the purpose of this role?

  • Administration of an organization

Who can assign this role?

  • The Organization Owner

When this role is first assigned?

  • Creation of new organization or User Account creation

How many instances of these roles?

  • Min: 1, Max: many (based on plan)
  • By default, the first Organization Admin is the owner (the creator of the organization).

Who can remove assignment of this role?

  • Organization Owner

Organization Billing Manager

What is the purpose of this role?

  • Administration of subscriptions, plans, payments, billing methods and information, spending limits, invoice mgmt etc.

Who can assign this role?

  • Organization Owner

When this role is first assigned?

  • Manually by Organization Owner

How many instances of these roles?

  • Min: 0, Max: many

Who can remove assignment of this role?

  • Organization Owner

Workspace Roles


Workspace Administrator

What is the purpose of this role?

  • Administration of a workspace along with curation of content for an organization’s catalog (for each organization for which the user has this role assigned)

Who can assign this role?

  • Organization Administrators or Workspace Owner

When this role is first assigned?

  • Creation of new workspace

How many instances of these roles?

  • Min: 1, Max: many
  • By default, the first Workspace Administrator is the owner (the creator) of the workspace.

Who can remove assignment of this role?

  • Organization Administrators or Workspace Owner

Team Roles


Team Administrator

What is the purpose of this role?

  • Administration of teams

Who can assign and unassign this role?

  • Organization Administrator or Team owner

When is this role first assigned?

  • Creation of new team or User Account creation
  • By default, the first Team Admin is owner (the team creator)

How many instances of these roles?

  • Min: 1, Max: many

User Role



What is the purpose of this role?

  • To grant Organization members access to basic features and resources within the context of that Organization.

Who can assign this role?

  • Organization Administrators, Workspace Administrators and Team Administrators

When this role first assigned?

  • Automatically assigned to members on joining an Organization.

How many instances of these roles?

  • Min: 1, Max: many

Who can remove assignment of this role?

  • Organization Administrators, Workspace Administrators and Team Administrators

Default Organization Roles

By default, Organizations have two roles available: Organization Administrator and Organization Billing Manager.

Default Workspace Roles

By default, Workspaces have two roles available: Workspace Administrator and Workspace Manager.

Default Team Roles

By default, Organizations have two roles available: Team Admins and Team Managers.

Default User Role

By default, members of an Organization are provided a User role.

Last modified July 23, 2024: update roles page (af9a0e8)