The Leaderboard is a visual representation of Designs, ranked based on key Metrics such as Opens, Downloads, Deployments, Clones, and Shares.
Leaderboard provides a clear and engaging way to view and compare the performance of different Designs, highlighting the most popular and actively used ones within the Cloud.
Metrics are quantifiable measures used to track and assess the status, progress, and performance of various activities and user interactions with Designs. Learn more about MetricsHow to Access the Leaderboard
Open the design catalog on the Layer5 Cloud catalog page at Layer5 Cloud Catalog.
By clicking on the Leaderboard icon button, you will be redirected to the Leaderboard page.
The Leaderboard page will show you the top 10 designs based on the Metrics.
You can also hide or unhide the columns of the leaderboard using the View Columns button.